Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Is Sony's Motion Controller Going to Make it a Wii Port Machine?

Industry Gamers talked to Rob Dyer, SCEA Vice President of Publisher Relations, about Sony's position in the motion controller space.  A fitting topic given my post from yesterday about Natal pricing and the prospect of three console with motion controls.  There were some choice quotes here that give off some mixed signals from Sony.  Dyer said,
"From a third-party perspective it's easier to develop for, you can use the same code base that you currently use for PS3 or 360 or even the Wii in order to get a motion controller game out."
This to me screams, "Hey, crappy Wii shovelware developers, come do the same thing on our box.  It's easy!"  But when confronted with that very question, Dyer responded,
"I can assure you that's not what you're going to see. The fact that we use a camera changes everything. I think the press has forgotten that Sony has been using a camera [for a long time]. This is now our second iteration of it. We know what the consumer wants with regards to using a camera and whether they want something in their hands or not."
Really?  The camera changes everything?  I mean, it sounds like he's saying that proudly.  The Sony cameras have been a total failure.  We got some games that slightly resembled the full body block breaking game from Natal, the ability to video chat in a game, and the closest thing to an actual use with the card game Eye of Judgement.  If anything, after two iterations, you should at least have an idea what to avoid (hint: everything you've tried with it so far).  He added,
"I think there are some games that are purpose built not to have a motion controller and there are some games that are purpose built that would be better with a motion controller. Having been on the publisher side and having made Wii games, the problem a lot of the time was because you had that Wii remote from the get go you felt like if you weren't using it, were you really making the right kind of game? I think that's been a problem for a lot of publishers. Can I make a game that's compelling using this motion controller? And if you can't then just make a great game without it... I think people had a problem doing that on the Wii."
So then that makes me think that he really gets it.  Sure, there may be a place in the market for this peripheral for a few games completely dedicated to using it.  But I certainly would hope that the Final Fantasy, God of War, Ninja Gaiden, Assassin's Creed, Uncharted type of games would never even consider this as an alternative to the controller.

I've always hated when people trying to put down video games say things like, "Why would you play video game basketball when you can go out and play the real thing?"  That isn't even worthy of a response.  But I now have to wonder, what kind of advancement to gaming does emulating an action with your body bring?  Going through the motions without the tactile feedback and immersion just doesn't seem worth sacrificing really good simulation of the same thing.


  1. The long answer: No.

    Reason: Nobody buys third party Wii games and Nintendo will not port their games to the PS3.

  2. It won't be Nintendo doing the porting. I'm sure third party publishers will push for PS3 ports of their Wii games, especially if it is of little cost to them.

  3. Pardon, what I meant to say was: Motion controlled games are stupid and nobody likes them.
