Joystiq scrounged up this bit of info from an Ubisoft twitter:
"Servers were attacked which limited service from 2:30PM to 9:00PM Paris time [8:30AM to 3:00PM ET],"
"95% of players were not affected, but a small group of players attempting to open a game session did receive denial of service errors.
That's great. Once again a case of the lawful gamers being punished for the actions of others.
Penny Arcade put it perfectly when they pointed out these awful cyclical events. Publisher creates some outrageous DRM that puts restrictions on a game that you have less and less rights to, and pirates continue to crack those DRMs causing the companies to create even harsher restrictions. Ubisoft's current version requires a constant internet connection. Well, there goes the ability to play Assassin's Creed 2 on a gaming laptop on road trips, flights, or anywhere else there's not easy access to the net.
I think this form of protection might have actually crossed the line in the sand. I think if I were in the market for Assassin's Creed 2 on the PC I would actually refused to buy it based on the Draconian DRM protection.